WWF x Evermade
WWF x Evermade x MJ

Client: Evermade Editions x WWF
Year: 2020
For my collaboration with WWF and Evermade, I wanted to highlight the importance of sea life. I’ve loved blue whales and marine turtles for as long as I can remember and I decided to focus on these two species because they are particularly endangered. By weaving different elements like flowers, squiggles and sea shells into both my designs, I wanted to highlight the idea that everything on Earth is interconnected. We can breathe thanks to our Oceans and although we don’t see blue whales and marine turtles every day (if ever), they are here, graciously swimming in our seas, making our life more beautiful just by existing. The fact that we don’t get to see them often makes it harder for a lot of people to think about the dangers they’re facing and that’s why I wanted to create these designs...Make them fun, joyful and striking to remind everyone that we need those beautiful creatures in our world.
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Here’s a little Q&A I did for this collab’…
What’s your favourite thing about making a design meant to be worn? I love the fact that a tee with an illustration on it can spark a conversation anytime you wear it. It’s amazing to know that my artworks will be walking around, ready to help people talk about things they care about. A piece of clothing like this a very accessible way to wear art and show what you love.
When did your love for illustration first begin? I can’t pinpoint a moment where my love for illustration began because I think it’s always been there. I grew up in a very creative environment and was lucky to be exposed to various artists and illustrators from very early on. I do remember the first time I saw Keith Haring’s paintings...I was very young and I remember loving how fun, joyful, quirky and colourful it all felt. Growing older, I realised how much depth and meaning his work actually carries and I fell in love with it even more. I love that artists and illustrators can create joyful work while being able to spread some important messages.
How do you overcome a design mind blank? I go out kiteboarding or surfing! Being in the sea always resets my mind...and I usually feel refreshed and much more creative after spending time in the water. If there’s no wind or waves, I’ll go out for a beach walk with my dog and look at the horizon. We get the most beautiful sunsets where I live in the UK. Finally, if nothing else has worked, I’ll get a good night sleep and will usually know what to do about my creative block in the morning!
Talk us through your creative process for this project. The creative process on this project was actually messier than usual, at least for me. It seemed very important to me to create something I really loved but to also make sure the illustrations would resonate with people. I knew straight away I wanted to raise awareness for sea life and our Oceans. I tried a LOT of things for this project, not sure how to express my vision on clothing. I wanted the designs to feel modern, bold, exciting...but also accessible and fun. There was a lot of trial and errors. I didn’t make a lot of sketches because I needed to see my designs come to life in colour straight away, especially against the colours of the clothing (which I’m really happy I could choose as well). I created a lot of artworks and even got a little frustrated with myself at one point. But finally, I found a way of expressing myself that I loved and that I think fit this collaboration perfectly. I’m really happy with the two final illustrations and I know I’ll be proud to wear these around town to spark some meaningful conversations!
What drew you to this project? Three letters...WWF! A dream collaboration for me.
What about our natural world inspires you? Any natural elements you draw from in your work? Everything about the natural world inspires me. I’m obssessed with all things that have bright and bold colours: corals, tropical birds, flowers...
What’s your favourite way to get back to Nature? Get in the Ocean all year round (even when it’s freezing), go for a beach or a forest walk...Hike in the mountains when I go back to my family home in Corsica or freedive in its beautiful waters. Again, I’m lucky to live in a coastal town here in the UK so I get to enjoy the natural world everyday. I think it really helps to put things into perspective and understand how much we need to care for our Planet.
What do you dream our planet will look like in 50 years? I’m trying to dream positively. We urgently need to make changes to preserve our Planet and I believe we’ll succeed. More and more people are being awoken to the issues Earth is facing and are changing their lifestyle accordingly. I’m dreaming that my children will roam on a very green, very healthy Planet and will scuba dive to see beautiful, colourful coral reefs, marine turtles, sharks, blue whales and all other amazing creatures.
Imagine: you’re scrolling through David Attenborough episodes: Deserts, Deep Seas, Barrier Reefs, Forests, Ice Caps, Grasslands. Which do you pick to watch? I’ll watch ALL of them (and I have). But I will always start with Deep Seas and Barrier Reefs, of course.