Illustrator & Designed based in Margate



 Welcome to Module 6


In this new module, I really want to dig deeper into something I mentioned in Module 1: Instagram challenges. The past couple of years have seen those become more and more popular online. I think they really kicked off because a lot of illustrators (me included) were desperate to create for fun, hone their skills, try new things…and feel the wonderful community around them. When I created the Pattern Challenge back in 2020, I was definitely not the first one to host an Instagram challenge, but I might have been the first one who pushed it further and went from Instagram to reality, by printing and distributing The Pattern Paper. Let’s see how I made it happen and how you could make something similar happen too!


The information contained in this course is intended only for the course participants. Please do not reproduce or redistribute any of the materials (including text, videos, images, worksheets and more) from this course. Copyright © 2020 Mélanie Johnsson