Illustrator & Designed based in Margate



 Welcome to Module 1


To focus on your craft means you’re prioritising doing what you love, your way. You need to create your own set of rules and start playing within them (although I’ll encourage you to break them sometimes too). You’re free to do whatever you want and that’s powerful. It’s also essential that you follow your gut. Are you good at listening to it? Or do you need help finding your voice and sticking to your guns? I’m going to help you, no matter where you are on your journey. Let’s find what you love first and then hone your skills, because you need to be the best you can be at your craft. Finally, we’ll make sure you don’t forget to keep learning and re-assessing everything along the way… Let’s do this!


The information contained in this course is intended only for the course participants. Please do not reproduce or redistribute any of the materials (including text, videos, images, worksheets and more) from this course. Copyright © 2022 Mélanie Johnsson